Monday, 30 January 2012

What Impression do you make? How to develop your personal brand

Have you given much thought about the impression you make? How much leeway do you have to express yourself at work, at home, and via your social media?

By Diane Shawe, M.Ed. IEBE

If you go to the hospital, they are dressed a certain way, the staff may even speak to each other in a certain way. If you stop at most petrol stations, the salesperson is probably dressed quite differently than your physician, and yet still in a way that reflects and supports the business. You go to these people in order to receive a service or a product, and you probably go to them specifically because they have left some kind of impression on you. We refer to this impression as their personal impact.

Have you given much thought about the impression that you make? How much leeway do you have to express yourself at work, at home, or even via the social media? While the impact you have can be derived from the way you present yourself (through how you behave and what you wear), we also have to look at ways that reflect your personality and individualism. Have you considered yourself to be a brand, and have your considered how you could strengthen your brand in work, business and socially?

When you plan to take a short holiday and ask your neighbor to watch your home for you, what is it that makes you ask that particular neighbor? Are they trustworthy? Friendly? Do they consistently conduct themselves in a way that leads you to think they are a good person? If so, you are feeling some of the impact of their personality.

They present themselves in a particular way, and unless you see some demonstration of inconsistency (which may lead you to question their credibility), to you their impact seems quite clear.

What kind of impact trail are you leaving behind, What impact do you want to make and leave with others?

For more information on personal impact and how to create your personal brand, visit us at

Personal Branding 2 Day training course

Just click HERE to tell us what information you would like us to send you.

Diane Shawe M.Ed IEBE
Director of Training
Global Life Long Learning

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